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Let's Save the Status Quo

Comedy (Politics), Music (Music Videos)
[ 2:27 - from YouTube ]

Sometimes a small collection of street theater actors can deliver a louder message than an entire crowd of protesters. A group that’s dubbed itself “Billionaires for Wealthcare” made one of its first public appearances at a town hall meeting in San Diego dressed up as health care industry profiteers. The video above is from the Tea Bagger protests in Washington D.C., in which the actors held up signs that read “Our Death Panels Turn a Profit” and “Warning: Affordable Healthcare May Cause Severe Loss of Profits.” I nominate this video as one of the best political satires of the year.

William D. Colella

eGuider: William D. Colella
Writer, Web Producer

Bill Colella is an award-winning screenwriter and a former interactive content writer at Tandberg Television. With deep roots in the dot com industry, his focus is on the intersection of traditional and new media entertainment. He is actively developing a number of film and web series projects.

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