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Chicken a la Carte

Docs & Non-Fiction (Cultural, Food / Cooking, Reality), Drama & Genre
[ 6:09 - from Culture Unplugged ]

Chicken a la Carte won the 2006 people's choice award at the 56th Berlin Film Festival. There was a talent competition at the festival for a film on the subject of food, taste and hunger. There were 3,600 entries - 32 made the cut.  Ferdinand Dimadura’s seering short work is a wake up call for the world.

Margot Adler

eGuider: Margot Adler
NPR correspondent, Morning Edition & All Things Considered

Margot Adler specializes in in-depth features that explore the interface between culture, politics and technology. She is also one of NPR’s two New York Correspondents, covering the human and political dramas of that city. Adler was also one of the first people to interview J.K Rowling and to chart the Potter phenomenon. She is the author of Drawing Down the Moon, the classic study of contemporary Paganism, goddess worship and witchcraft, and has also written a political memoir of the 1960’s and 70s, Heretic’s Heart.

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